WHBC Gary Rivers Interview
TKO Show with Kara Ro Interview
The TKO Show, is hosted by Kara Ro, former professional boxing World Champion, coach, motivational speaker, mother of 2, and long time broadcaster. The TKO represents Talk, Knowledge, and Opinion…
Radio interview – Talk 107.3 Baton Rouge
http://talk1073.com/2017/05/24/out-of-our-heads-the-beatles-the-rolling-stones-and-me/ Click here for my Radio interview - Talk 107.3 Baton Rouge
Out of Our Heads!
The writing is done... So much for the easy part..now to market-ing...
OOOH!-Book Update, Proof of Truth and 1969 ticket prices
I am currently formatting the Proof of Truth-The Appendices. Not relying on memories or stories, I have the documents that tell the true tale and have them included in the…
Beggar’s Pie Banquet..
https://youtu.be/jkzNPdhyUZw I was unpied until Brian noticed and whacked me upside my head....